The Climate Pledge
We believe we have an obligation to stop climate change, and reducing carbon emission to zero will have a big impact. We want to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, a decade ahead of the Paris Climate Agreement, and we are on a path to powering our operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025 as part of our goal to reach net-zero carbon.
In 2019, Amazon and Global Optimism co-founded The Climate Pledge, a commitment to net-zero carbon by 2040. Since then, a growing list of major companies have joined The Climate Pledge. These signatories will play a critical role in stimulating investment in the development of low-carbon products and services.
As we work toward reducing our carbon footprint and transition to clean energy, here are some facts on what we have achieved so far.
We are constantly working to innovate with our products and provide customers with the information they want to make their sustainable choices easy.
The Climate Pledge commits $10M to help deploy EVs and charging infrastructure in India, Latin America
As we work towards reducing the carbon footprint and work towards clean energy, here are some quick facts on what we have achieved thus far.