With extended lockdowns and the second wave of COVID looming over much of April and May, many of us have been home, seeing the lows and battling through tough times. Today, the situation is getting a bit brighter and as we tread on the path of caution, we welcome the festive times that are upon us with happiness and optimism. Yes, we can’t travel like how we did, our holiday season is not the same and our get-togethers are subdued, but there is hope and where hope floats, inspiring stories come alive.

Witness this with our mini travel video series by bloggers Prachi and Harsh. As they explore beautiful destinations across India, they unbox its uniqueness too - unique art, craft, food and more.

Sharing their experiences, the travel geeks said, “As we 'unpacked' Bharat’s beauty we couldn’t but help notice the invisible yet strong online thread that binds new India. The people are riding the digital wave and we were pleasantly surprised to see that no matter the place we explored, there is thoda sa (little bit) Amazon in everyone's life!”

As our Kaarwan travelled across places, India's stories have made a place in our hearts. Live these stories through us, make a mental note of the places we explore till you can actually go visit and join us on the journey that unpacks destinations, stories and yes, Bharat! We are calling it Kahaniyon ka Kaarwan.

Episode 1

Kahani from Orchha, Central India - Part I : On the banks of Betwa, we discover a town steeped in history, Dhokra art and more. Welcome to Orccha where Prachi and Harsh feel a tinge of royalty, experience the local cuisine and yes, fall in love with art form that is being practised since thousands of years - the Dhokra art.

Watch the video here :

Kahani from Orchha, Central India: Part I

Episode 2

Kahani from Orchha, Central India - Part II :From experiencing nature's bliss to the fort of the Bundela dynasty to relishing the local favourite mithai Kalakand - our Kaarwan is dotted with memorable moments.

Watch the video here :

Kahani from Orchha, Central India: Part II

Episode 3

The Kaarwan reaches Western India, Surat, where stories unfold - Part I : In the vibrant West of India, watch Prachi and Harsh discover the silks, colours & culture of Surat.

Watch the video here to see what lies in store for them in the Silk City!

The Kaarwan reaches Surat, where stories unfold - Part 1

Episode 4

The Kaarwan in Surat - Part II : The journey continues in Surat.

Watch the video here :

The Kaarwan in Surat - Part II

Episode 5

Kahaniyon Ka Karwaan in Madurai - Part I : Now in the spectacular south of India, witness Harsh and Prachi uncover the culturally rich Madurai – affectionally nicknamed ‘Thoonga Nagaram’ – the City that never Sleeps.

Keep following the Karwaan to see what adventures remain for the dynamic duo!

Watch the video here :

Kahaniyon Ka Karwaan in Madurai - Part I

Episode 6

Kahaniyon Ka Karwaan in Madurai - Part II : The journey continues in Madurai.

Watch the video here :

Kaarwan reaches Madurai in the South: Part II

Episode 7

The Kaarwan reaches East India - Part I : From bamboo to cane utilities, silk sarees to exquisite jewellery. Watch Prachi & Harsh discover the beauty, serenity & culture of the North-East.

Follow the 𝗞𝗮𝗮𝗿𝘄𝗮𝗻 to see what lies in store for them!

Watch the video here :

The Kaarwan reaches East India: Part 1

Episode 8

The Kaarwan reaches East India - Part II : The journey continues in East India.

Watch the video here :

The Kaarwan reaches East India: Part 2

Episode 9

The Kaarwan reaches Pauri Garhwal in the North - Part I : Our #KahaniyonKaKaarwan has reached the quaint town of Pauri Garhwal in Uttarakhand.

Watch as they discover how Amazon connects sellers from remote corners to the entire country!

The Kaarwan reaches Pauri Garhwal in the North - Part 1

Episode 10

Kaarwan in the North - Part II : The journey continues in the North.

Watch the video here :

Kaarwan in the North: Part II