If writing poetry was a full-time job, then Anurakti, a pediatric cardiologist would be a full-time poetess. Undoubtedly. A thoroughly inspiring story of a working professional, who despite her busy schedule, made way to pursue her hobby in writing! Here is an interesting conversation with the winner of KDP Pen to Publish Contest for Hindi - Anurakti Dev.
Writing poetry is an untouched genre in today’s day and age. What inspired you to write Atman, that too in Hindi?
I grew up in a family of writers so writing came quite naturally to me. Being surrounded by wandering minds allowed me to explore thoughts and those thoughts gave me the strength to write it down in form of words. My paternal and maternal sides of the family have been passionate about writing! Furthermore, my parents also write poetry. This was a catalyst in driving me towards writing. As a child I always saw them reading and appreciating literature. I found writing to be the best form of expressing my thoughts and feelings about society, culture, beliefs and self. I have always been influenced and moved by my surroundings and I wrote my first poem way back in 1992. The Babri Masjid demolition had a huge impact on me, so much so that my first poem was about the demolition. Atman too was written upon birth of such inspiration and surroundings.
KDP definitely provided an easy and user-friendly product to publish my work with the additional benefit of worldwide readership.
Who are the authors or poets who you draw your inspiration from?
Being an avid reader I often found myself looking for and reading Hindi prose and poetry. I used to look out for books by Mahadevi Verma, who is also widely regarded as the ‘Modern Meera’. I have been in awe of Harivansh Rai Bachchan, his style of writing, his thoughts and I always wonder how he managed to write all his thoughts down so beautifully and eloquently. Suryakant Tripathi Nirala is another acclaimed writer who I look up to and draw inspiration from. All these writers have paved a way for me to be who I am today.
You have been writing for a while now, but what made you publish your works now? Why not earlier?
Well, I have been writing poetry for a long time and I did manage to have some of my works published in a few magazines. But my full-time job of being a time pediatric cardiologist kept me so busy that I never really thought of having my works published, for a long time. Having said that, I always had it at the back of my mind that I should pursue my passion and have my works reach out to more people.
After I read about Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), I decided to try it out. It worked beautifully for someone like me, a multi-tasker, a homemaker, a doctor and of course a writer! I was so thrilled to know that I didn’t have to write for publishers, and I didn't have to tweak any bit of my works to please them. I was also amazed by the fact that my writing would be available to such a massive audience, across continents! KDP definitely provided an easy and user-friendly product to publish my work with the additional benefit of worldwide readership. It's a dream come true for any writer to be honest.
How simple was the technical aspect of having your work published on KDP?
To be honest it was very simple, unlike what many writers might think. I had my sisters help me key in my words in a word document and it was easy for me to proof-read the same. My husband helped me choose the title and also the design of the cover page. So clearly there is not much of a technical process involved and the service is simple enough to guide you through the entire publishing journey.
Upon winning the KDP Pen to Publish contest, what sort of appreciation did you get? Do you wish to publish on KDP again?
I was really moved by the appreciation I got from many readers and I was able to connect with them through many social media channels wherein they gave their feedback, thoughts and comments and I shared mine with them. With regard to publishing again on KDP, my answer is a big yes! In fact I do have my material ready and I am looking forward to publishing my next work soon.
Any message you wish to share with budding writers and artists?
All I would like to say is never ever give up on your passion. It could be anything from painting, to craft making to writing. Do not let your full-time profession, motherhood, or anything else stop you from pursuing your dream. I did not pursue it for a long time, but now I never wish to give it up. Ever.