Vinayana Khurana holds a post-graduate degree in English literature from Delhi University. She’s a writer and a poet. She loves making comics, dancing, making reels, singing, and watching web series. She’s the founder of TheOnlineCafe, an Instagram page where artists are paid to publish their art. She’s also a woman with cerebral palsy. While Vinayana acknowledges her disability, she refuses to be defined by it. “I'm a woman with cerebral palsy, but that is not my identity,” she insists.

Meet The Girl Breaking Disability Stereotypes (In Collaboration With Amazon)

She’s a passionate advocate for disability rights and has also written about the topic of disability on various platforms like Youth ki Awaaz, Love Matters India, and Loveactually. She also writes on various issues on her blog - Vinayana's world. She has published a book of poems by the same name and has an e-book of short stories on Amazon Kindle.

I have been making comic strips to spread awareness about disability.

"I have been making comic strips to spread awareness about disability. My book, Vinayana's World contains a wide range of emotions and feelings. Most people think that I write only on the theme of disability. That's because I am extremely passionate about the topic,” shares Vinayana.

She has spoken at various national conferences on topics of inclusion and accessibility. She has also been in the radio show by all India radio on disability and inclusion.

Author Vinayana's book

Using technology as an enabler

Vinayana enjoys using Alexa to manage her day to day tasks. “I can set my alarm before I go to bed. I listen to music, watch movies, and make my to-do list with Alexa on my Echo Show 10. With the help of a smart bulb and tube light, I can change the lighting of the room according to my mood,” Vinayana says. “I either tap on the screen of the Echo Show to select music and movies, or give a command to Alexa using the text-to-speech app on my smartphone”. She also likes reading e-books on her Kindle because she finds it easier to hold. “I love that it is easier to put a bookmark in them. I can change the brightness and text size according to my preference,” Vinayana adds.

I listen to music, watch movies, and make my to-do list with Alexa on my Echo Show 10. I either tap on the screen of the Echo Show to select music and movies, or give a command to Alexa using the text-to-speech app on my smartphone.
Read about how all Amazon devices, including Echo, Kindle and Fire TV have been equipped to make user experience better for people with disabilities as well as those with accessibility needs.

Staying motivated

“There is a fire in me that keeps me going. It keeps me motivated. I feel that I would like to flow like a river. Slowly and steadily at my own pace. Finding new ways to live and enjoy life,” says Vinayana.

The happiness of my life, depends on the quality of my thoughts.

She firmly believes in the philosophy, “The happiness of my life, depends on the quality of my thoughts.” Her success mantra? “Never give up!”

Busting myths about disability

The most common myth about disability that Vinayana despises is that if one is physically challenged, then they will not be able to do anything in life. “We are capable of every emotion and feeling or we can excel in our academics or whatever we love to do. Just need a little confidence in our abilities,” Vinayana stresses.

Advice to budding authors

Vinayana is proud to be known as a self-published author since the term gives her a sense of independence. “Being a self-published author makes your creativity spread in every direction. I loved publishing my book on Kindle Direct Publishing all by myself. I designed the book cover, wrote the introduction and preface,” says Vinayana.

“It is a simple process, You don't have to spend time thinking about what should or should not. You can just log in and start the procedure. It's a great way to start the journey of being a self-published author,” she adds.

Let them judge but you write on to express yourself.

Her message to closet writers is, “Don't be afraid to spill out your emotions on the piece of paper. Let them judge but you write on to express yourself.”

On the occasion of World Disability Day, Vinayana has written an evocative poem titled, “Being Different.”

Being Different

I was a little girl,
When I realized,
I was different from others,

Not because I had a disability,
But because I loved to challenge,

When people said,
You can not walk,
I used a walker,

I used supporters,
When people said,
You can not cycle,

When people said,
I can't talk properly,
I wrote poetry,

When people thought,
How would I write with a pen?
I typed,

When people said,
How would I get educated?
I completed my Master's,

When people said,
I shouldn't move out,
I used Motorized Wheelchair,

When people said,
How would I earn?
I got a freelance job,

I did everything,
What people thought,
I couldn't,

Because they thought,
I was different,

And being different,
Isn't always bad,

Being different,
Brings a whole new perspective,
Towards life......

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